Your Industrial Power Conversion & Control Systems Solutions Partner



Steel & Metal Industries 


Innovation Plus is a leading supplier of industrial solutions, electrical equipment and control systems which are engineered and designed to optimize the melting, shaping and finishing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. We ensure results by providing our clients with quality power conversion & control products and solutions that dramatically improve the productivity, reliability and efficiency of their equipment and increase the competitiveness and overall profitability of their plants.



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Benefits realized by our clients:


ü   Bottom line savings in time and materials 

ü   Reduction of maintenance and down time costs

ü   Safer, more efficient system up-grade solutions 

ü   Dealing with specialists that can support any vintage or make of rectifier system. 

ü   Refurbishment and replacement parts allows longer equipment use and increased reliability 

ü   Reduce down time by looking at things at a system level not a component level.

    Applications including, but not limited to:


·         High Power Rectification

·         Inverters

·         Soft Starts

·         Magnet Supplies

·         Variable Speed Drives

·         Static Compensation

·         Blast Furnace

·         Continuous Caster

·         Hot Rolling

·         Annealing Line

·         Cold Mill

·         Coke Ovens

·         Coating Lines

·         Cranes

·         Electromagnets

·         DC Shop Power

·         Synchronous Motor Field Excitation

·         General DC Constant Potential



Our products and solutions range from;


·         System Refurbishment


·         System Upgrades


·         Prototyping & Engineered Solutions


       ·         Turn-key Systems


·         System Analysis


·         Full Engineering Services


       ·         Production Process Evaluation


·        Manufactured Replacements for Obsolete Components


·         Low to High Volume Production Partner


·         Off the Shelf Solutions


·         On-Site Training



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