Your Industrial Power Conversion & Control Systems Solutions Partner



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Low to High Volume Production Partner

Innovation Plus Power Systems can seamlessly integrate into your business by providing customized manufacturing solutions.  We are a flexible supplier that can easily adapt to customer requirements, and still provide high quality products at competitive pricing, delivery terms, service level, customer support and long term life cycle management on products.


From low to high low-volume production, we have the ability to change over product requirements and convert assembly lines quickly and add capacity to accommodate greater volume. In addition, we use manufacturing concepts such as standardization, cross-training and our philosophy of workplace efficiency, to maximize flexibility and shorten build cycles.


Our modern facilities host production projects from large OEM runs to small lots for special applications and allow us to offer unparalleled flexibility in bringing customer requirements to realization.


Why choose Innovation Plus Power Systems?

• Substantial bottom line savings compared to dealing with OEM

• Reduction of maintenance and down time costs

• Safer, more efficient system solutions

• Dealing with specialists that can support any vintage or make of rectifier system.

• Upgrades allows longer equipment use and increased reliability

• Reduce down time by looking at things at a system level not a component level.


3Ø-600V AC Switches

3Ø DC Water Cooled Assembly

3000A AC Static Switch Assembly

Water Cooled IGBT Chopper


Air Cooled 6 Pulse SCR Bridge

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