Your Industrial Power Conversion & Control Systems Solutions Partner



Chemical Industries


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Innovation Plus is the leading supplier of industrial solutions, electrical equipment and control systems which are engineered and designed to optimize your operations.  We ensure results for our chemical industry clients by providing quality power conversion & control products and solutions that dramatically improve the productivity, reliability and efficiency of their equipment and increase the competitiveness and overall profitability of their plants




Applications including, but not limited to:

     ·         High Power Rectification

     ·         Inverters

     ·         Soft Starts

     ·         Variable Speed Drives

     ·         Static Compensation

     ·         Cranes

     ·         DC Shop Power

     ·         Elevators

     ·         General DC Constant Potential

Benefits realized by our clients:


ü   Bottom line savings in time and materials 

ü   Reduction of maintenance and down time costs

ü   Safer, more efficient system up-grade solutions 

ü   Dealing with specialists that can support any vintage or make of rectifier system. 

ü   Refurbishment and replacement parts allows longer equipment use and increased reliability 

ü   Reduce down time by looking at things at a system level not a component level.


Our products and solutions range from;


·         System Refurbishment 


·         System Upgrades


·         Prototyping & Engineering Solutions


·         Turn-key Systems


·         Systems Analysis


·         Full Engineering Services


·         Production Process Evaluation


·         Manufactured Replacements for Obsolete Components


·         Low to High Volume Production Partner


·         Off the Shelf Solutions


·         On-Site Training


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